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List of products by manufacturer Refuse Records

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Showing 1 - 12 of 19 items
  • Hardcore punk from Barcelona, influenced by classic youth crew sounds.

    6,00 €
    In Stock
  • From the sunny south of Portugal and featuring former members of Pointing Finger, Broken Distance and Critical Point, Clean Break shows how the portuguese straight edge scene is alive and well!

    6,00 €
    In Stock
  • Political hardcore punk with 80s hardcore, anarcho-punk and grindcore influences from New Jersey, featuring Tim from Ensign.

    6,00 €
    In Stock
  • Modern Love is a hardcore punk band from Oslo featuring former members of classy Norwegian bands like Damage Control, Death Is Not Glamorous, Subject To Change and Kids Like Us. Their sound is perfectly executed blend of the bands from mid 80's revolution summer DC bands, early Scandinavian punk and wave (like Ebba Gron and Kjøtt), anarcho-post-punk...

    12,00 €
    In Stock
  • Government Flu, one of the wildest bands from Poland, is back with a new splinter! Raging old school hardcore punk with a stomp vibe! The cover says it all: play it loud and let your neighbors know what kind of hardcore you like! Gatefold cover.

    13,00 €
    Out of stock
  • Hardcore band from Poland, with former members of Burst In, Double Vision, X's Always Win.

    6,00 €
    In Stock
  • 5 new splinters from the Washington DC furious band Misled Youth. This is how a punch in the face sounds like!

    6,00 €
    In Stock
  • Corrective Measure is Maine's latest contribution to the current hardcore scene. Full of speed and fury, you won't find any frills here - just trimmed down, straight-to-the-point hardcore in the style of late 80s NYHC with a sprinkling of early 80s Boston.

    6,00 €
    Out of stock
  • Coke Bust is a straight edge band from Washington DC (USA) that plays fast and aggressive old school hardcore. Songs run quick with no rest for all the record's lenght. This CD contains 28 tracks from the band's recordings between 2011 and 2013.

    11,00 €
    In Stock
  • Cleveland Straight Edge. Sharp, direct, hard-hitting, and to the point songs in the vein of Straight Ahead or No For An Answer.

    5,00 €
    In Stock
  • Poison Planet is a vegan straight edge hardcore punk from Chicago, USA. Lyrics are drenched with political criticism and the band plays fast and pissed off 80's hardcore punk in the vein of Negative Approach, Blank Stare, The Repos or 86 Mentality.

    5,00 €
    In Stock
  • Vegan straight edge band based in Berlin. It contains six blasts of furious fast and raw old school hardcore.

    5,00 €
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 12 of 19 items

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