I trentini LEFT IN RUINS saranno in giro per l’Italia a fine Novembre, per cinque date in compagnia dei SWAIN, fino ad oggi conosciuti come THIS ROUTINE IS HELL.
Gli Olandesi, trapiantati a Berlino da pochi mesi, hanno di fatti da poco annunciato il cambio di nome. Stessa band quindi ma vesti diverse.

I LEFT IN RUINS avevano già condiviso con i THIS ROUTINE IS HELL un tour europeo nell’estate del 2013.
Le due band si rincontrano per una nuova serie di live prima di chiudere il 2014.

Cinque concerti da non perdere, due tra le band più selvagge del panorama hardcore europeo, un’occasione unica!

26.11 TRENTO @ Cs Bruno w/ Give
27.11 VICENZA @ Centro Tecchio w/ Shizune, Save The Date
28.11 BOLOGNA @ Circolo Iqbal w/ Curmudgeon
29.11 FIRENZE @ Next Emerson w/ Alfatec
30.11 MONZA @ Foa Boccaccio w/ Curmudgeon, Leviathan, Tiny Vessels, Stanley Ipkiss, Corpse

Tutte le info e gli aggiornamenti qui: https://www.facebook.com/events/349829185199455/


Trento-based LEFT IN RUINS will tour Italy for five shows with SWAIN, formerly known as THIS ROUTINE IS HELL, at the end of November.
The dutch band, which recently moved to Berlin, has just announced the change of name. Same band, different clothes.

LEFT IN RUINS and THIS ROUTINE IS HELL have already shared a european tour in summer 2013.
The two bands will meet again for a bunch of shows to end this year 2014.

Five shows you can’t miss, two of the wildest bands in European hardcore, one unique chance!

26.11 TRENTO @ Cs Bruno w/ Give
27.11 VICENZA @ Centro Tecchio w/ Shizune, Save The Date
28.11 BOLOGNA @ Circolo Iqbal w/ Curmudgeon
29.11 FIRENZE @ Next Emerson w/ Alfatec
30.11 MONZA @ Foa Boccaccio w/ Curmudgeon, Leviathan, Tiny Vessels, Stanley Ipkiss, Corpse

All info and updates here: https://www.facebook.com/events/349829185199455/

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